Day 17: A Helping Heart

Reading for Today 

I have done the Lord’s work humbly with many tears. I have endured the trials that came to me from the plots of the Jews…Butmy life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus… 

Acts 20:19, 24

One of the things I dislike most is moving. Packing, unpacking, ugh. I get agitated just thinking about it.  I remember watching college students unpack for college. The most interesting thing I remember is seeing the faces of those who found out that their dorm room assignments were on the top floor. Many of them struggled to unpack their cars and gather their things. Thankfully, help was available. Churches, Greek organizations and other groups offered to help parents and students move their things. You see prior to student’s arrival, they did not know how high that they would have to climb to reach their destination, all they knew was that there were some things that they would have to carry and some things they would have to leave behind in order to get there.  But what they did not know was that once they reached a certain point in their journey, there would be someone there waiting to help them to get to their destination. 

Like these men, there are some people in life who carry the unique assignment of suffering for others. Their lives are filled with the constant victories and defeats of helping others succeed.  Paul was such a person. He embraced suffering for the sake of others. You could even argue that it was a part of his DNA. It can be so easy to be frustrated by the unique call to serve you may have received. But today I encourage you to embrace the heart that God has given you for others. It doesn’t make you weak, it makes you worthy to of the call of God on your life.

Fasting Tip:  Pray for the people God has called you to serve. As you pray, ask God to give you insight into the importance of your role in their lives.


Rock City