Preparation is the New Prophecy

Preparation is the new prophecy….

It seems as though we were just counting down the days to 2020 and here we are 9 days in! Here in Rock City, we are embarking on our first fast of the year! We are locking into the 20/20 Fast and Consecration along with Dr. R.A. Vernon our Pastor’s pastor. We are super excited, but we know fasting can be a daunting spiritual discipline but we are here with you! For the duration of the fast, you can expect blog posts from some of our leaders exploring bible readings and principles each day, along with video content and a worship playlist that you can use during your devotional time! I don’t know about you, but I am believing God for some thing B!G not just for me, but my entire family!


What is Fasting?

As we get ready to embark on this fast, there are some key things we need to explore! For so many there’s just a lack of understanding the what and why of fasting. Fasting, combined with prayer is significant in your search for God. Fasting does not only refer to abstinence from food. The purpose of fasting is to control the pleasures of the flesh in efforts to enrich your understanding through Christ and redirect your thinking in Christ. In order to fast, you can abstain from any of the various things that your flesh is dependent on.

You can give up food, television, music—anything that you think is hard to live without. You will find that while you will crave what you give up for the first few days, the need will no longer be there after some days. Fasting does not only refer to giving up pleasures of the flesh, but when you are on a Soul Fast, you are also supposed to pray so that your spirit may come closer to that of God. The focus of a Soul Fast is not only to deprive the flesh of food, drink or social media, but in turn posturing to purify one’s soul in efforts of redefining your relationship with God.

When you fast and pray, you will see amazing results from God. You will see godly changes in your home/family, prayers answered in incredible ways, wisdom gained about hard issues, and in it all, you will mostly appreciate that your own desires become secondary to God's. It's all about putting Him first, and letting our Shepherd lead the way all year long. Without a doubt, fasting sets you on a great course every year. Ps 37:23 says, "The steps of a man are established by the LORD, And He delights in his way" (NASB)


Many people believe the first week is the hardest during a fast. Symptoms like grumpiness, sleepiness, headaches, and cravings are all normal because your body is detoxing. The detox part can last for as few as 3 days, but it normally takes a week to feel refreshed (and stronger than ever). 

Fasting is a principle that God intended for everyone to be able to enjoy. It's not a punishment; it's a privilege! By making fasting a way of life, you can get closer to God and grow in your spiritual walk like never before. Fasting is one of the most powerful weapons God has given us for our daily lives. 


Another reward of fasting has to do with your future. God has given you a vision, a divine dream for your life. When you fast, you open up the blessings and opportunities He has provided for you to pursue that dream. As you fast, pray for God's direction and guidance. Focus your faith on your dream and God will show you how you can turn your vision into a reality. Begin pursuing your divine dream today and make the rewards of fasting part of your lifestyle. 

Fasting Guidelines

Normally when we fast, Pastor Mike, Jr. will allow us to pick our fast from among several different types. However this year, he wants to push us to more and challenge our faith to grow in a different way. Here are the guidelines:

  • No meats

  • No sweets

  • Restrict social media to only that which is necessary for business purposes

  • For children no electronics

We will kick off the fast on this Sunday (January 12) at 6pm by taking the Communion you will receive during service. The fast will continue through Saturday February 1st at 12 Noon. We will end the fast together during our Saturday worship experience which will be held at the Forestdale Campus on this day. During the final week of the fast the church will be open from 12 Noon-1pm and 6pm-8pm for prayer each day. [Important Note: If you have any health conditions or concerns, please consult your physician BEFORE taking part in the fast.]

We are believing God for too much, not to give him a B!G sacrifice! If you’re fasting with us remember to text FastLane to 28950 or click here to complete the form, (it’s also below) we want to be able to connect and communicate with you! Be sure to check the blog and/or the Rock City App each day for our devotional and follow the playlist for music to feed your spirit during the fast! We love you and are praying for you!

Fast Participation Form